8 Essentials to Create a Highly Converting Landing Page

A landing page is an effective tool to boost leads and conversions. It is the page that helps promote your specific product or service and directs the visitors to your lead magnet. However, a landing page needs to be highly enticing and flawless to grab the attention of the visitor and make them take the desired action. It should give your customers what they want in a simple and clear way.

Let’s learn how to create a highly effective landing page to convert visitors and generate leads.

An Attractive and Relevant Headline

The headline is the first thing a visitor sees when they land on your landing page. It’s the hook that either compels the reader to stay on your page or leave it. Make sure that your headline is attention-grabbing, persuasive, concise, and tells the readers what problems your product or service solves. Your headline should ideally be between 10-20 words and should convey a sense of urgency.

Attention-Grabbing Media

According to BANG!, a Web Designer in Phoenix, giving website visitors some “eye candy” visuals and letting them know visually they’re at the right website is a smart move to prevent high bounce rates on your site.

Relevant and catchy images or videos on your landing page not only effectively demonstrate your products or services but also help persuade your visitors. Adding videos is also helpful as research suggests that videos convert better than other forms of content. Video also helps with SEO and maintains user engagement. Make sure that the images/videos are high-quality and relevant to your products/services.

A Powerful Call to Action

Call-to-action (CTA) is crucial for any landing page; they persuade your visitor to take the desired action. Use buttons to draw attention to the CTAs. Make sure that your Primary CTA button is actionable and visible above the fold. Use actionable phrases like “Start Now,” “View a Demo,” and “Get a Free Quote” for CTAs to increase conversion. Moreover, use strong and bright colors to make your CTA button stand out.

Responsive Design

Most customers use their mobile devices to buy a product or service online, so make sure that your landing page is friendly for people viewing it on mobile devices. Mobile responsive landing pages can help convert leads from traffic that comes from smartphones or tablets. Likewise, responsive landing pages support your social media marketing (SMM) campaigns as most people use social media on their mobile phones.

Show Social Proof

Your social proofs (the number of likes, subscribers, shares, etc.) should be prominent on your landing page. Social proofs help win the trust of the visitors and increase their chances of converting into customers.

Testimonials from your existing customers work as great social proof if you don’t have a lot of data to share yet. When adding testimonials, make sure that they’re accompanied by a picture of a real person. You can also add social proofs into your CTA, such as “Join my 50k+ community.”

Use the Right Colors

Colors have a great impact on human psychology; they influence how we feel or act. Using the right colors on your landing page not only increases the user experience but also helps guide their behaviors, which can improve our conversion.

Depending on your product or service, use colors that convey the message you want. For example, red and yellow are the colors that grab attention and ignite appetite, making them an appropriate choice for a food-related landing page.

You also want to make sure each color you use signifies something. For example, you may use black color for the copy text, orange colors for your CTAs and other clickable links, and red color to highlight something important such as social proof.

Contact Information Should be Visible

Having clear and visible contact methods helps strengthen the trust of the visitor by telling them that your business is legitimate. So, make sure your landing page mentions the methods of contacting you.

You can add multiple methods such as a phone number, an email address, social media buttons, a contact form, and a physical business address. You can also add live chat popups that ask the customers if they need any help.

Keep the Layout Simple

Your landing page should present the information in a simple, minimalist, and attractive way without looking cluttered. Use a clean and simple design that helps people understand what your landing page is all about by utilizing a landing page plugin. Use white space and choose large fonts for increased readability and user experience. Your CTA button should be visible, and make sure that the visitor doesn’t have to scroll to find it.

8 Essentials to Create a Highly Converting Landing Page was last updated June 5th, 2024 by Scott Fluent