5 Software Development Methodologies That Improve Functionality

The software development industry relies on several advanced methodologies, tactics, and strategies to enhance business productivity. In fact, each methodology is a structure that plans and controls the information encoded in software. Development methodologies can improve project management, optimize computer functions, and create highly scalable technology. As an aspiring software engineer, you should learn the different methodologies that can improve technical function.

There are many software development methodologies that improve functionality. In this article, we’ll discuss the software development methodologies that improve functionality. 

DevOps Pipeline

One software development methodology that improves functionality is the DevOps pipeline. Use the DevOps process to ship updates faster. Then, optimize the DevOps processes with the pipeline tool from JFrog. This way, you can continuously streamline and secure your development team’s tools. Moreover, you can use this methodology for continuous integration and continuous delivery. With this function, you can automate everything from code to production for high-powered technology. Furthermore, the JFrog pipeline optimizes the process for building, testing, and deploying software solutions. Additionally, the pipeline methodology can improve functionality on both cloud and on-prem subscriptions. Certainly, consider the DevOps pipeline methodology to improve your software functionality.

Agile Development Methodology

Agile development methodology is one of the most popular ways to improve software functionality. Agile development methodology enables your company to focus on user satisfaction. Your team would complete tasks over short time periods of just one to four weeks. During this time, the iterative model provides you with multiple tests as development continues.

Next, you would use Agile development methodology to obtain feedback from customers. You can then make the necessary changes to your software. Additionally, your team can take full advantage of this methodology’s functionality since it has few defects. This way, you can streamline productivity and improve performance across your software team. Surely, consider agile development methodology to improve software functionality.


Of course, the waterfall software development model is another great choice to structure your project.  Employ waterfall to manage projects with clear, stable objectives. Waterfall’s sequential method will handle your team’s tasks one at-a-time. Moreover, waterfall will improve functionality by ensuring each step is complete before moving on.

The rigid, linear style of waterfall is easy to understand and manage your SDLC. Thus, you can explain the waterfall methodology to your team quickly since it is fairly simple. You will benefit from using waterfall if your team changes personnel frequently. Throughout the development process, waterfall maintains itself, so many functions are performed automatically. Definitely, look into using waterfall to improve software development functionality.

Feature Driven Development

Feature-driven development is another software development methodology that improves functionality. Use FDD to develop an overall model. Then, plan each feature by building a feature list with the platform. Next, use FDD to design your software. This way, you can visualize your development project. After this, FDD can build each feature for you. Throughout this process, FDD will provide you with status reports, results, and possible errors. Additionally, FDD gives you quick, efficient responses to platform changes. Moreover, these quick responses allow your team to process information faster. This way, you can accomplish more in the given workday. Long-term, this will allow you to maximize profitability, expanding your earning potential, and get more projects done. Surely, consider using feature-driven development to improve software functionality.

Scrum Development Methodology

Scrum development methodology can also help improve software functionality. Apply this methodology to manage your development project. Specifically, use scrum development for emerging technologies and rapid changes. Then, you can implement scrum to plan, meet, and review important software features quickly. This technique allows your business to accelerate the development of software by processing many iterations at once. With scrum development, even your slowest-moving development projects can be fast-tracked. Certainly, use scrum development methodology to improve software functionality.


There are many software development methodologies that improve functionality. Taking advantage of the latest models, you can future-proof your development pipeline, learn new skills, and follow the latest trends. Plus, these tactics enable you to optimize your workforce and experiment with productivity-improving measures. The DevOps pipeline will fully automate your software and integrate it continuously. Then, waterfall will provide you with a rigid, step-by-step system for project management. Feature-driven development implements many notification features to help you stay on top of your software development project. Scrum development methodology can rapidly quicken the pace of your software development process. Finally, agile development methodology prioritizes user satisfaction over process-oriented structures. Consider these options when improving your software development functionality.

5 Software Development Methodologies That Improve Functionality was last updated April 25th, 2024 by Scott Fluent