Activity on freelance exchanges requires constant insurance to avoid losses:
- the performer (freelancer), having received from the customer a prepayment, may fail to fulfill his obligations or perform poorly;
- the customer may not pay the performer for the work performed with high quality.

General safety
Currently, it is not a problem to find a freelance site that would accompany transactions between performers and customers. The insurance scheme here is quite simple: the customer pays a deposit, which is paid to the freelancer when he performs the work or returned to the customer when the work is not done.
But there is a small problem here. The customer can apply to arbitration service, having come to the quality of the work performed. And if he proves his case, the freelancer is left without payment.
To avoid this, there is a Terms of Reference (TOR), which specifies all requirements in detail. When performing the work, the freelancer must comply with all its conditions. It is not superfluous to keep all correspondence with the customer, as well as to record all voice conversations of the work.
How to secure the designer of sites
In order to prevent an unscrupulous customer from misappropriating the finished design, it is better for the designer to demonstrate his work in an unusable format (for example, JPG instead of PSD), or previously greatly reduced the scale. Not a bad protection means is to apply inscriptions (watermarks) to the layout with 40-50% transparency.
It happens that the layout has no graphic elements, so even its format is minimal, for example, 300 px per 100 px, you can collapse it. Here, the only way for the designer to report on the work, demonstrating the layout through a webcam or Skype. In this case, the possibility to steal the layout is minimized. They can also use CRM for freelancers.
How to secure the web-programmer
If the field of activity is the development of websites, program codes, etc., the process should be fully controlled by the programmer, who should not allow the customer to download his work. That is, when creating a site from scratch, the programmer must keep it on his server or hosting and block the customer access to the database, FTP, site backups. If the web programmer takes a ready-made site for revision (with a serious amount of work), such revision is better to conduct on your hosting. Copying there does not take much time.
There is another interesting way of insurance. You should warn at once: it is not ethical and legal, and web programmers who value their reputation should bypass it. This is embedding malicious code in a ready-made site, allowing you to access the site and remove the results of your work in case of non-payment. This method is used if minor improvements are made. There are virtually no legal ways of insurance.
How to secure the writer
Copywriters become victims of deception more often than others, as there are no serious ways to protect themselves from unscrupulous customers in this activity. But even here there are options:
If you have a large order volume, you should demand payment in stages. If you need to make a whole block of articles, you can not write everything at once. It is much more reasonable to make a few articles, to demand payment for them, and after receiving them, proceed to the next. By the way, remember that a large amount of work of the copywriter will help perform
When reporting to the customer, it is better to show the texts in the format of screenshots with watermarks. This will prevent them from being scanned and recognized.
The above methods allow to protect against unscrupulous customers in 70% of cases. An obligatory condition for the successful work of a freelancer becomes the requirement of their prepayment, at least in part. And, of course, a thorough study of the customer, including inquiries of those freelancers that once did not work for him. To act in this way is long and tiresome.