For the past Decade, Customer Relations Management has been transformed by SaaS providers so completely, that some people think CRM means Cloud. On-Premise CRMs that you can purchase for a one-time price have almost disappeared. The problem with the Cloud model is that every service provide aims to lock you in to monthly payments, slow loading web pages, and features that hide behind premium fees.

No one can predict what our economy will throw us in 2020. But it seems clear that the last 14 years of growth may soon level out or decline. When business gets tough, then the high monthly payments become a burden.
When CRM was new, back in the 1980s and 90s, the main business model was PC based software, PC based data, with sync services to handheld devices. CompanionLink was born in those years, and we retain that service model. More recently there is a trend to adopt personal CRM that cannot be ignored.
We have introduced DejaOffice PC CRM. This is a Contact Manager, Calendar App that runs on Windows PCs, Android Phones, iPhones and iPads. On each of these platforms, the CRM database is local to the device. This means that you gain speed and productivity compared to the browser based model. It also means that if you are disconnected from the internet, on your PC by a carrier outage, or on your phone by simply being in a parking garage, you can still work effectively.
Standalone: DejaOffice PC CRM Standalone $49.95 – A simple standalone Contact Manager for Personal or Small Business use. Track your Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Notes. This CRM can easily import all your data from Palm Desktop, Outlook, or Google.
You can make mail-merge emails, letters and mailing labels. You can handle tasks and store notes. Automatic backups and privacy features are included.
Outlook: DejaOffice PC CRM for Outlook $99.95 – All the features of Standalone with the additional feature of an Outlook Add-In. You can easily drag and drop an email to create a Contact, Calendar Event, Tasks or Note.
Express: DejaOffice PC CRM Express $129.95 – Customer History and Follow Ups are the main features of the Express version. Easily see everything you’ve done for the customer, and everything planned for the future. The Express version includes the Outlook Add-In, but also adds a feature to automatically move Outlook Emails to Contact history.
Pro: DejaOffice PC CRM Pro $199.95 for 5-Users – Multi-User version with a shared database. No other CRM is as affordable. Every person can have their own schedule, with permission to edit other schedules. Everyone can share a Contact list so that your Company Contacts are always up to date.
Free trial
Download a free trial today. As a part of this trial we will email you setup guides and we will help you get started. There is no risk. See how productive your day can be when you put Customer Relations back on your PC where it belongs!