Infographic: A History of Mobile Productivity

From the pager to the iPad, mobile devices have been enhancing our mobile productivity in one way or another for decades. In their early days, mobile devices were largely business-focused. Since then, they have become sleeker, more powerful, and even more appealing to consumers and business users alike.  On today’s mobile devices, you can run your business, use your phone camera for professional photoshoots or play Angry Birds – or all of them!

Read through the infographic below and take a walk through a history of mobile productivity. Discover the first portable handset. Learn how the groundwork for today’s app stores was laid in the 1990s. Reminisce over the earliest smartphones and tablets. Then, share with us where you think mobile productivity is headed next!

A History of Mobile Productivity

Infographic: A History of Mobile Productivity was last updated January 31st, 2021 by David Z