5 Top White Hat Link Building Agencies to Boost Your SEO

White hat link building is one of the pillars of SEO promotion that can help marketers quickly enhance website authority while aligning with search engine algorithms and Google rules for backlinks.

To build a robust backlink profile that will work to strengthen and promote overall SEO strategy, many companies collaborate with white hat link-building services. There are many agencies ready to do the liking work for you, yet, not all of them are made equal. hence, in this guide, we’ll look into:

  • White hat link-building basics;
  • Risks of failing to match white hat linking tactics;
  • Criteria for choosing a reliable white hat link-building agency;
  • The list of the best link-building services worth your attention.

Importance of White Hat Link-Building Techniques for SEO

Link building is a part and parcel of off-page SEO focused on gaining references from third parties that demonstrate website trustworthiness and credibility both to users and to search engines. Speaking of which, backlinks are one of the top ranking factors considered by Google algorithms.

According to the survey conducted by Ahrefs, the amount of organic traffic to the web page directly relates to the number of references. In other words, the more backlinks, the higher the traffic rate. Yet, there is a nuance to remember here. Nearly 94% of link builders consider backlink quality more important and for a good reason. Google prioritizes quality mentions and favors white-hat link-building techniques.

White hat link building refers to the practice of acquiring references to a website using legitimate and ethical means in compliance with established search engine guidelines. It focuses on earning mentions naturally by providing valuable content and fostering genuine relationships with other website owners.

This approach revolves around the creation of high-quality content that draws organic links from authoritative and appropriate sources. It hinges on the principles of trust, relevance, and credibility in building a website’s link profile.

Here are a few key reasons that showcase the importance of white hat link-building for SEO:

  • Improved Search Engine Rankings: Quality backlinks from reputable sites serve as proof that your website content is authentic and valuable. Search engines consider them as votes of confidence in your site relevance, which leads to higher rankings in SERPs;
  • Increased Website Traffic: references from other websites act as pathways for users to discover your site, resulting in a steady influx of referral traffic;
  • Enhanced Domain Authority: A strong and diverse link profile contributes to a website’s domain authority. Not only is it recognized by search engines but also it reflects overall domain influence within its niche or industry;
  • Faster Indexing and Crawling: White hat links can expedite the process of search engine bots discovering and indexing new content on a website. This ensures quicker visibility in search results;
  • Long-Term Sustainability: White hat link building maintains sustainable growth by focusing on building genuine connections and creating valuable content that stands the test of time.

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Risks of Using Unethical Link-Building Tactics

Unethical linking practices such as black-hat and grey-hat techniques can promise quick results and yield short-term gains that seem appealing. However, using manipulative and spammy tactics to artificially inflate a site’s search engine rankings, such practices can lead to heavy reputational damage in the long run. Before you get tempted by the quick benefits of unethical practices, consider the associated risks.

  • Search Engine Penalties: Google consistently updates its algorithms to combat black hat linking practices. Websites that tend to buy references, participate in link schemes, or use automated software can be penalized or even deindexed from search results;
  • Loss of Trust: Unethical practices can tarnish your website’s reputation and erode trust among users and industry peers. Low-quality links can cause a decline in user engagement, conversions, and brand loyalty;
  • Wasted Resources: Black hat tactics prioritize shortcuts that offer short-term gains at the expense of long-term sustainability. The value of unethical links diminishes over time resulting in wasted resources and investments;
  • Legal Consequences: Some dubious practices, such as copyright infringement or misrepresentation, may entail legal risks and liabilities that will not only damage a website’s reputation but also incur significant financial costs;
  • Negative User Experience: Prioritizing search algorithms over user experience will result in a poor-quality website that fails to meet the needs and expectations of visitors. Irrelevant or low-quality links can increase bounce rates and decrease time spent on the site. While adversely impacting search engine rankings, negative user experiences deter potential customers and harm overall business growth.

To build a solid online presence, white hat link-building is the only right way to go. No fleeting gains are worth the long-term success and damaged rankings that are hard to recover.

How to Choose the Right White Hat Link-Building Service?

Effective link-building takes time and effort and calls for a strategic approach. Companies that seek to achieve tangible results in SEO that will work for their business in a long-term perspective normally entrust linking efforts to white hat link-building services.

If you do a quick search though, you’ll spot multiple agencies claiming to offer effective link-building solutions. So, choosing the one you can fully rely on might turn out quite a challenge. Here are a few key aspects to check when selecting a white hat link-building company:

  • Reputation and Track Record: Investigate customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies that show the service provider’s results and success stories. Monitor for any penalties and the use of unethical practices;
  • Backlink Quality: Evaluate the quality of references the agency promises to acquire for your site. Make sure they don’t source mentions from link farms or employ spammy practices banned by search engines;
  • Custom-Tailored Strategies: Avoid providers offering some standardized approaches. Pick agencies that create customized strategies to suit your specific business goals, industry, and target audience:
  • Pricing Approach: Compare pricing and service packages offered by different agencies to ensure you’re getting value for your money. At the same time, be wary of unrealistically low prices that might be backed by unethical tactics;
  • Client Support: A good agency prioritizes client satisfaction and provides responsive support to address any concerns or issues that may arise during your campaign;
  • Long-Term Strategies: A white hat link-building company focuses on fostering organic link growth for lasting SEO success.

Top White Hat Link-Building Agency: Selecting Your Future Partner

The number of linking-building companies you’ll find on the market might be bewildering. To save you the trouble of searching high and low, we’ve made a list of the 5 best services delivering to varying business needs and goals and relying solely on white hat techniques in their work.

1. Editorial.Link

Editorial.Link is a link building service of professionals dedicated to the development of holistic linking strategies that help websites lead in search engine rankings. The company name speaks volumes about its approach. An editorial or earned link is an organic reference which is not purchased or asked for.

It’s the most craved type of link that usually results from sites with valuable content and good marketing techniques. This is exactly what the company builds its approaches around.

With a strong focus on quality, Editorial.Link offers premium references from DR70 websites such as hubspot.com, monday.com, cloudways.com, systeme.io, wordstream.com, etc. You can rest assured there will be no suspicious or potentially harmful sites linking to your web pages.

With this agency, you will only pay for the backlinks that meet your expectations and bring results, without wasting money on minor mentions or references you don’t want. Offering only top-tier links for your portfolio, Editorial.Link can ensure impressive SEO results pretty fast since quality pays off quickly. As such, it’s a perfect choice for brands seeking to swiftly expand their market impact and businesses that only dip their toes into linking and strive to win strong visibility in the digital landscape.


Collaborator is a PR distribution platform that streamlines the process of guest posting for all parties involved. Whether you’re a website owner, an advertiser, or the owner of an SEO agency, this service can be your go-to for reaching your promotional and link building goals.

You can choose from over 33,000 websites featured in Collaborator’s catalog, using a user-friendly filter with over 40 options to sort by. Thanks to official Serpstat and Ahrefs integrations, you can also review their volume, sources, and geography of traffic, as well as Domain Authority, Trust Flow, and other SEO metrics. Additionally, you can save your filter settings and set up a weekly email list with all new websites matching your needs.

Collaborator is also a great tool for those working in SEO agencies. With the Master Account, you can easily add your colleagues and clients to the system and manage your team’s workflow. Review purchased backlinks, manage budgets, and easily receive reports in one place.

3. WebFX

WebFx is a full-service marketing agency backed by decades of experience and offering an all-inclusive list of services including but not limited to web design, digital marketing, content marketing, social media services, e-commerce service, SEO, and lead generation, etc.

When it comes to SEO, you’ll hardly find a company that provides more comprehensive offerings and solutions. Link-building is a part of their SEO plans developed to match different needs, goals, and budgets. Whatever you choose, though, you’ll get top-notch service and achieve tangible outcomes.

Despite a package-based approach, WebFX assigns a manager to each client to understand their business, figure out their short-term and long-term objectives, and work out a custom link-building strategy to match their demands and aspirations. With in-house copywriting services onboard, the company will generate authentic and engaging content relevant to your business to drive traffic to your website and build links.

A big name in the industry, WebFX is a choice you can’t go wrong with. The only thing to note is a bit higher pricing which is no wonder given the company’s scope. Yet, higher rates fully pay off with excellent service.

4. OutreachMani

Outreachmani.com is a Result-Oriented Link Building Agency specializing in crafting impactful links, merging topical expertise with SEO effectiveness.With the paramount trust of global brands and
SEO Agencies, our precisely tailored link-building services can give you an edge over competitors.

It is renowned for its commitment to effective and ethical white hat link building techniques. The agency’s approach ensures that clients’ websites not only improve in search rankings but also uphold the
highest standards of integrity and trustworthiness. With a team of experienced SEO specialists, Outreachmani.com delivers personalized outreach campaigns that resonate with each brand’s unique voice and values.

The agency excels in fostering long-lasting relationships with high-authority domains, securing quality backlinks that provide lasting benefits. By focusing on relevant, meticulously researched content and genuine engagement, they help clients’ sites gain visibility and credibility without compromising quality. Their strategies are robust against the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines, offering clients sustainable growth and a notable competitive edge.

Clients choosing Outreachmani.com can expect a transparent and customized link building service that not only boosts SEO performance but also aligns with their long-term business objectives.
Outreachmani.com is dedicated to guiding its clients towards digital prominence with integrity and precision.

Outreachmani pricing starts at $2999.99 for a Starter Package till $7999.99 for an Enterprise Package.

5. Vazoola

Whether you already operate in SaaS or plan to start a SaaS project and need a company to take care of your SaaS link-building and SEO game, Vazoola is a perfect alternative. The company prides itself as a reputable link-building service that relies on

  • High-quality non-promotional content;
  • Natural guest posts;
  • Relevant links;
  • Verified publisher websites;
  • Link quality assurance through manual check.

By maintaining relations with over 100.000 websites and blogs, Vazoola can quickly spot appropriate link publishers in all industries and niches. Working at scale, they can achieve noticeable results within a month or even less, giving your business a swift boost.

One more prominent Vazoola feature is the Bounty Express software enabling customers to align link prices with their budgets. Simply put, you choose the desired link price, metrics, and quantity, and the software matches your preferences with a huge pool of qualified publishers. As such, the service is accessible to clients with various financial capabilities. And you can count on getting quality links, no matter your budget.

6. SEO.co

Operating in the link-building niche since 2010, SEO.co is an expert in this field. The company offers proven link-building services for businesses of all sizes. Thus, they can deliver to the needs of smaller local businesses with SEO budgets of about $500 per month and create extensive campaigns for bigger companies with a $50.000 monthly spending on SEO.

The company has a tried-and-tested approach in place ensuring link-building quality, transparency, and efficiency and enabling customers to view and check the acquired backlinks once they are published.

What makes SEO.co stand out for us, though, is their white-label link-building service perfect for digital marketing agencies. Their reseller linking solutions ensure access to high DA publishers, complete backlink transparency, full-scale white label reports, and forecast turnaround time on campaigns. The best thing is that the company poses no contract requirements when it comes to purchasing minimums which is a favorable condition for beginner marketing agencies to get strong on their feet and scale.

7. Blue Tree

White hat link building is complicated, and it’s even more complicated for tech companies. Tech link-building calls for deep industry understanding and expertise in this field. That’s why technology companies look for agencies specialized in this niche. Blue Tree is one such agency.

This service provider primarily focuses on link-building for tech and SaaS businesses. Their experts are well-versed in creating relevant tech-specific content that attracts links. meanwhile, their strategy is tailored to deliver long-lasting results. It’s based on thorough research, a detailed content plan, well-planned outreach, and secure follow-up. With Blue Tree, you can rest assured your links are duly placed and maintained active.

Apart from excellent service, the customers get an opportunity to work with Blue Tree on a project-by-project basis or a month-to-month contract getting the flexibility to decide when they want to stop.

To Conclude

White hat link-building is the backbone of efficient SEO and the key to website authority and solid online visibility. With the right agency on your side, you’ll get your linking strategy handled in a set-and-forget manner. Hopefully, one of the above providers will suit your business needs and goals.

5 Top White Hat Link Building Agencies to Boost Your SEO was last updated June 11th, 2024 by Edward Bishop