BlackBerry, webOS and iPhone deflectors going to HTC EVO 4G ran a poll on who was planning to buy the EVO 4G (for which CompanionLink provides complete two-way sync).  Turns out that most of the folks are coming from the BlackBerry platform.  The EVO 4G arrives June 4 on Sprint’s network.

iPhone, webOS and Windows Mobile all tie for a distant second place.  The surprising element to the poll is the number of people buying their first smartphone (roughly the same number as those migrating away from other existing smartphones).

There seems to be a lot of people still sitting on the sidelines, waiting for just the right smartphone before buying their first one.  AT&T’s new (lower) pricing for data plans may help bring these people into the smartphone world.  The cost of entry is now just $15/month.  If history is any indication, other carriers will follow AT&T’s price shuffle to attract new customers.

BlackBerry, webOS and iPhone deflectors going to HTC EVO 4G was last updated June 3rd, 2010 by Rushang