Enterprise database administration allows organizations or companies to manage huge amounts of data in the best possible manner. However, securing enterprise databases from numerous security hassles like hacking, phishing attacks, data theft, and others is not an easy task.

This is because cybersecurity attacks are on the rise due to the coronavirus crisis globally. Therefore, medium or large organizations must apply best enterprise database security practices within their workplaces to safeguard their employees’ communication and other crucial digital assets.
Continue reading this post to discover how organizations can follow industry best enterprise database security practices in 2021 and beyond.
Encrypt Sensitive Data
Encryption is one of the best ways by which companies can protect their databases without any hassle. Encryption aside, there is no harm in using other data protection tools that appropriately helps companies secure their sensitive data against several cyber threats.
For instance, they can consider using a cybersecurity tool that comes with a free trial. As a result, they can check its performance in terms of data security as per their preferences without an additional cost.
Provide Cybersecurity Training to your Employees
When improving database cybersecurity, companies should not overlook the importance of cybersecurity training at any cost. In addition, they should educate all their employees as they are perceived as the first line of defense against cyber threats.
By doing so, they can securely access the official databases of their companies without jeopardizing their security and perform the required professional tasks trouble-free.
Thorough cyber security training provided by experts can help employees understand the existing cyber threats and prepare them to combat all sorts of cyber-attacks in the long run. For example, they can learn about the impact of ransomware in real-time, measures to detect phishing attacks, and other effective ways to address security issues.
For that reason, companies should educate their workforce about dangerous email phishing attacks that can harm their privacy by injecting malware into their official systems or devices.
Thus, they should be instructed not to click any suspicious link or attachment if they receive emails from unknown people in their inboxes. Besides, employees must focus on following different cybersecurity measures themselves such as updating their official devices on a regular basis.
This way, they can easily remove their weakest security links found in their systems proactively.
Monitor Database Activity
As far as database monitoring is concerned, companies or organizations should implement DataSparc’s DBHawk database monitoring on their systems or official devices in the first place. Furthermore, the users’ log needs to be maintained at the secure repository accordingly.
When organizations perform database monitoring tasks regularly, they can reduce the cybersecurity risks to a certain extent. Similarly, they should also concentrate on applying behavior-based monitoring that allows them to identify any unusual or suspicious activity associated with users who have been given administrative access.

Manage or Monitor IoT Security Regularly
Unfortunately, a compromised IoT device or system in a workplace can allow hackers access crucial corporate data or information in a blink of an eye. Therefore, you need to improve its cybersecurity as much as possible using the right and effective cybersecurity approach.
In reality, securing IoT devices from different privacy or security hassles is a prime responsibility of employees and organizations both. Otherwise, they will not be able to protect their enterprises databases in the future because hackers or unwanted people will eventually explore vulnerabilities residing in such devices sooner or later.
In order to improve enterprise database security considerably, companies should not hesitate in hiring a group of ethical hackers. Consequently, they will proactively pinpoint and rectify the possible cybersecurity threats found in organizations’ official databases and networks
Encourage the Application of Safe Password Practices among Employees
Whether your employees are either remote or office-based, they should start using different password protection tools like LastPass, Dashlane, Digital Vault, etc.
This way, they can protect their crucial official devices against various cyber risks like hacking, data theft, malware, etc. appropriately. When employees start using password-protected official devices when accessing companies’ databases or official networks, they can securely bypass numerous notorious elements like hackers, identity thieves and other cybercriminals.
Apart from this, employers need to provide awareness to their remote or office-based employees about the prevailing cybersecurity practices throughout the year.
Moreover, there is no harm in educating your employees on different aspects like latest cybersecurity trends, privacy or security threats, use or application of different cybersecurity tools like, antivirus software, malware detector, data encryption software, firewalls, database monitoring tools, network intrusions detection tools, etc.

Wrapping Things Up
Companies or organizations need to understand the importance of cybersecurity in the right manner. Otherwise, they will keep facing cybersecurity risks in the future like privacy invasion, data theft, hacking, etc.
That said, they can still safeguard their crucial official data including customers’ information from the prying eyes of hackers and other cyber goons provided they follow the desired cyber hygiene practices accordingly.
By doing so, they will be in a better position to securely manage their huge enterprise databases using the required cybersecurity approaches or mechanisms.
That said, companies or organizations should keep in mind that enterprise database protection is a long term activity and should not be assumed as a one-time activity at all.