Innovative Solutions Every HR Department Should Consider Using

Human resource management plays a huge role in a growing company. Contrary to what some people think, it’s more than just helping the company look for the right candidate to hire.

Being a part of the HR department also means that one has to help with maintaining a solid relationship between the company and the employees too. Because if they don’t, there will be communication gaps in the company and employees will not be able to release their dissatisfaction with the company and report wrongdoings, which can cause chaos.

The human resource management team has a lot of things in their hands. And the people who are part of it must be able to keep up. This way, the company will stay harmonious as possible and employees are well taken care of.

But, how can one do that with all the work that they have in their hands?

If you’re a part of the HR team in your company, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some worth considering innovative ways to help you lighten your job as you take care of the company and its employees.

Improve Your Work Environment

As a part of the HR department, you need to be at your best, so you can do your job well. But sometimes, our work environment can affect our work performance too. From the temperature, lighting, to even how your desk looks, everything can impact your productivity.

Hence, one of the things you need to do first to ensure that you’re able to do your job well is by enhancing your workspace. You can start by organizing your table to help you work faster and efficiently or adding small yet significant details to your desk that will help inspire you to do better every day.

You can also suggest replacing old office furniture with your boss. A standing desk, for instance, will help you and your co-workers become more productive. It’s healthier to use it too compared to the traditional desks and cubicles we’ve gotten used to.

Talent Acquisition Software

Probably one of the challenging parts of being a part of the HR department is sifting through tons of resumes, trying to look for the best candidate for the job position. While it’s a job that needs to be done carefully to not miss any potentially good applicants, it can eat up so much of your time and effort. As a result, you likely have less time to focus on other tasks.

Relying on technology to do such monotonous tasks, though, will be a big help. Basically, a talent acquisition system will make your tasks easier by automating several parts of the recruitment workflow. This way, you can eliminate a huge chunk of applicants from the recruiting process, leaving you with a smaller percentage that you can evaluate faster.

With this, you can save time to evaluate and analyze the more relevant candidates. Additionally, this will benefit the company as it saves them from poor hiring decisions.

Utilize Chatting Platforms for Interview

The interview is a part of the hiring process that can also eat up a lot of your time. Yet, it’s a crucial part of the hiring process as it’s important to get to know an applicant well to prevent poor hiring decisions. And with the kind of situation that most parts of the world are in these days due to the pandemic, it’s quite risky to meet someone face-to-face.

What you can do, though, is utilize chatting platforms. There’s no denying how technology can make things a lot more convenient for us, especially today. By utilizing such platforms, it would be easier and safer to meet with applicants for an interview. Of course, this is convenient for the applicants too, especially if they’re miles away from your office.

Use Tech Solutions for Onboarding

Even the best new employee can still have a hard time transitioning to a new company. No matter how much they’ve achieved in their previous jobs, there will still be a point where they’ll need some training or introduction to their new environment. And it is your job to help them adjust.

However, because HRs usually already have a lot of things to juggle at once, it can be quite hard to focus their attention on new employees. An employee onboarding software system, however, can make the job easier for you. It simplifies and centralizes paperwork, ensures compliance and accuracy, and, of course, provides support for new employees.

With this, new hires will not feel overwhelmed with the documents they need to handle. They won’t miss any important tasks too. This, of course, lets you save time as you don’t have to go back and forth with new employees.

Employ Technology for Training

Training employees is also important not only for their growth but for also the company’s growth. It strengthens their skills, which can positively impact the organization over time. However, in some parts of the country (and of the world), it can still be quite hard to organize face-to-face training as restrictions are still tight.

What you can do instead is make use of technology for training. Encourage them to join webinars (online or web seminars) or online scheduling courses

that will help with their growth. This way, they can learn from other people too besides from those whom they work with and see every day for more inspiration.

Or, your organization can develop a specialized webinar or online course that will fit the needs, as well as the preference of its workers. Do note, though, that this will require you some time and effort for organizing such an event. Even so, if this will help improve the company’s employees, why not give it a try?

Consider Scheduling Software

It’s no secret how hectic an HR’s schedule is. Because aside from ensuring the wellness of the company’s employees, you also need to care for the company’s wellness itself. And most of the time, it’s not as easy as it looks.

Unfortunately, this can also affect your performance as a part of the HR department. It’s understandable how one will find it challenging to juggle everything at once. However, there is a way you can ensure that you can do the job better and faster – and that is by considering scheduling software.

Basically, what scheduling software does is allow users to manage their appointments and bookings easier. As for HRs, this will help by automating the process of making and maintaining schedules for multiple employees.

As a result, it’s easier to manage your schedule, as well as other employees. This will also ensure that no task is missed.

Employ Cloud Solutions

Just like other employees, HR personnel also handle tons of important documents and files. Most of them contain confidential information too. Thus, storing them can be quite challenging as apart from allocating space for such important documents, they also need to be secured to prevent identity theft and other issues.

By using cloud solutions, though, storing them will be much easier. With this, you won’t need to secure a space in your office merely for storing physical copies of documents and other important files.

Additionally, this will help you keep it safe from other people. And with the help of a reliable IT team, it will be protected from viruses, malware, and other cyberattacks.

The best thing about it is that you can have access to it no matter where you are anytime. Thus, you can finish your tasks even while you’re in the comfort of your home.

On top of that, you won’t have to worry about losing it. In case of cyberattacks or accidents that could result in the deletion of important files, your company’s IT team can recover it in no time, compared to when you lose or damage physical copies of documents and other files.

Ensure Clear Communication with Technology

Just like in relationships, communication is also one of the keys to a successful company. And as a part of the HR team, it is also your job to ensure that there are no communication gaps between the employees and the organization., especially when the company transitions to new methods or policies.

That said, make sure that you also utilize technology to make sure that everything is clear on both ends. You can use chat tools, such as Google Meet, Google Hangouts, Skype, Slack, and the likes. This way, you’re sure that everyone in the company gets the message. And if some things aren’t clear, employees can easily ask their concerns through messages.

Employees will greatly appreciate it, especially if they’re too shy to personally ask their questions. The best part is, this will save you time and effort as you won’t need to frequently conduct face-to-face meetings, which could affect everyone’s workflow.

So, now that you know what you can do to better care for the company, as well as its employees. However, your job doesn’t stop there. Of course, you also need to ensure which of these methods are working for your organization. This way, you can strategize better and think of more ways to improve.

So, how will you know if you’re doing better? Here are some indicators that you’re improving and the methods you’re implementing are working.

Employee Retention

There are numerous reasons why an employee leaves a company. But, mostly, HR plays a huge role in making them or not. For instance, if an employee doesn’t feel like they’re well taken care of, they will likely find other opportunities somewhere.

Thus, making them leave the organization. While it’s easy to hire another employee, it’s not always easy to look for the same candidate who can do the job well.

But, if you do your best to improve and care for the employees more, they will see and feel the difference too. And when they do, they will not hesitate to stay in the company.

Employee Satisfaction

Another thing that will tell you that your solutions are effective is by looking at how satisfied the employees are while working in the company.

How do they feel about the atmosphere in the company? Are all the departments able to communicate effectively? Are the conflicts within the company resolved? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you see how satisfied the employees in your organization are. Additionally, this will help you address any concerns.

You can also measure the results of your solutions by asking the employees to answer a survey anonymously. Just like in normal surveys, this will help you pinpoint the weaknesses in your solutions.

What makes it different, though, is that employees will answer it anonymously. This way, they can express their true feelings more, helping you get more accurate responses.

Company Culture

Creating a strong culture in the company is also what the HR department does. This creates a sense of belonging between the employees. It also gives them the feeling of being at home while in the office. If you’re doing a good job at creating a company culture, you’ll know it by observing the employees or conducting surveys.

You’ll also notice it in your employee retention rate. Because who would want to leave a company where they are growing and where they already have a strong sense of belonging?

Training Impact

If you conduct training or seminars, make sure that you also keep track of how it made an impact on them. See if there is any improvement in their performance.

Aside from knowing the efficacy of your efforts in organizing training or seminars for them, this will also let you see how you can improve the next training or seminar you’ll organize. Additionally, this will understand the strengths and weaknesses of your organized events, so you’ll know how you can approach other issues next time.

Being a part of the HR department sure can be a bit exhausting and overwhelming. Thankfully, technology is there to make things easier. Besides, once you see how your efforts are changing the company for the better, it’s all worth it.

Innovative Solutions Every HR Department Should Consider Using was last updated August 17th, 2021 by Edward Brown