5 Big Signs Your Site Desperately Needs A Redesign

Your site is the face of your business; therefore, it’s not good to neglect it. It’s a shame that web design advances so quickly as it can make you unsure whether you need to update your site to fall in line with new developments.

If you’re unsure whether you need to redesign your website, check for these signs. They could be making your business suffer.

It’s A Pain To Upload Content

If you’re not regularly posting content to your website, you should be. Content that provides value to your visitors is essential for your SEO work. Writing and uploading content is also a major drag, most people don’t want to do it, which is why your website needs to make sure it’s incredibly easy for you to do. If not, you will have an excuse to bunk-off your content duties and your website will fall off the search engine results page.

It Takes Ages To Load

47% of visitors leave a website if it takes more than 2 seconds to load. Google also monitors traffic and penalizes websites that people leave quickly, as these sites clearly don’t provide value to visitors. There is a difficult balance between getting the design features you need and cutting down loading speeds to make sites lightning-fast. The best website designers focus on usability as well as visual looks and a lot of this will be back-end (e.g. code compression).

Customers Can’t Navigate Easily

If you can, you should have surveys on your site that ask key questions about the user experience. One of those should be how easy it is for visitors to access relevant information about your site. If a user has a bad experience on your website, they will be much less likely to return. Navigation is also very important for SEO. If your customers can’t use your website due to navigational issues, that’s throwing away money. Get inspired by these amazing web design resources.

Your Competition is Clearly Doing It Better

You should check up on your competition every now and then. This is useful for a variety of reasons — assessing their pricing and marketing strategies so you can inform yours. If your competitors’ websites are clearly better than yours, you have a problem. Trust is everything in business and good web design suggests a successful company that can afford a slick site. This offers some social proof as it implies other people are trusting the company so much that they can spend money on good website design.

Your Site Looks Bad on Mobile

Google are starting to massively prioritize those sites that offer a great user experience regardless of the device that visitors use. It’s not enough not to have a mobile-friendly website, as well as one that works well on a variety of browsers by using adaptive design. This is especially important as over 53% of websites are accessed through mobile or tablet devices. If a user has a bad mobile browsing experience, it’s highly likely that they will go to a competitor instead, as they won’t have time to access the site from their computer.

5 Big Signs Your Site Desperately Needs A Redesign was last updated July 29th, 2022 by Carol Trehearn