Methods to Protect a Mac From Cybersecurity Threats

MacOS is reliable, and you can even find articles about how Macbooks do not need any protection. Well, there are no ideal systems, and despite what some users may claim, your computer still needs a way to prevent cybersecurity threats from running rampant.

Read the following methods and create a Macbook maintenance routine that will help you avoid any potential threats and keep the computer in top shape.

Method #1 – Install a Reliable Anti-Malware Tool

A reliable anti-malware tool should be the first thing on the list. There are a lot of options, even if you are looking for a free anti-virus.

If your Macbook starts to behave erratically, like crashing applications, and suddenly drops in performance, you will likely have a malware or virus problem. 

Performing a virus scan for mac should be a regular thing, though, not just when you are experiencing difficulties. Do it at least once every week. Also, keep the anti-virus running in the background all the time. This way, if you encounter any threats, they are detected and deleted immediately.

Method #2 – Clear Browser Caches

More often than not, malware comes from browsing websites. If that happens to you, make sure to clear the browser caches. You do not want any traces left on the computer after you got rid of the malware.

Method #3 – Avoid Shady Websites

Speaking of browsing, you should try to avoid fishy websites because things can get out of hand pretty quickly. If someone sends you a questionable link that you have never seen before, it would be better to ignore the link.

You do not want to end up with annoying banners and add-ons that get installed and significantly slow down the computer. 

Another point to note is that you may stumble upon websites that have an aggressive pop-up ad strategy. Do not click on such ads or banners as they could also lead to questionable landing pages. In fact, you are better off using an ad-blocker as a browser extension.

Method #4 – Use a Virtual Private Network

Virtual private networks have a lot of advantages besides allowing users to access geo-restricted content. 

If you have to use public Wi-Fi, a VPN is more or less a must at this point. You can never be certain whether someone is not trying to get hold of your personal information. Since everyone can connect to public Wi-Fi, it is highly likely that there are some traps set up for more gullible users.

Do not take a risk. Create a secure tunnel between the Macbook and the internet using a virtual private network so that you are not prone to cyber security threats.

Method #5 – Turn on the Firewall

The Firewall is not always switched on by default. As it is another layer of security, you should look to have it enabled all the time.

Go to the System Preferences and select the Security and Privacy tab. Click on the “Firewall” at the top of the window. If you see a green circle next to the word “Firewall,” it means that the feature is enabled. If the circle is red, switch the Firewall on and save the changes so that it is present all the time.

Method #6 – Update the System

A lot of users associate system updates with performance improvements and new features. However, there are a lot of patches, even small ones, that focus entirely on the security of the Macbook.

It is imperative to have your system up to date. Installing the most recent version will further improve the overall safety of the computer.

Method #7 – Secure Personal Data

Even if you take all the necessary measures and precautions, it would still be in your best interest to secure personal data by backing it up using Time Machine or other tools, like clouds.

At the end of the day, nobody can be absolutely guaranteed about the safety of the information on their computer. And there is no shame in having it protected.

Method #8 – Create Strong Passwords

Being smart about your passwords is another method to guard the computer against potential hackers. Of course, there are users who even enable automatic login, but this course of action is not recommended if you are worried about the security of your computer.

Never use the same password for different platforms, especially ones that are important, like your bank. Also, when creating a password, use a generator that will give you a strong option. Avoid random words with a few numbers or symbols at the end of it.

Method #9 – Reinstall the OS

If you feel like the Macbook is not secure, and it needs a new start, reinstall the operating system. While the process itself is complicated and not something that a lot of people want to go through with, it will delete all the junk that has accumulated over the years and remove threats, giving the Macbook a fresh start.

Methods to Protect a Mac From Cybersecurity Threats was last updated March 12th, 2021 by Justas Markus