Top 5 Things To Tell Your Tween About Cyber Safety

In the world, where one can have access to the Internet everywhere, and the Internet of Things is being developed, we can only predict the further expansion of the World Wide Web in our lives. But the Internet is not only about opportunities; it’s often about dangers and risks, especially for the inexperienced users – the kids.

Here is some information to consider to help your tween to browse safely.

1. Everything you put there is forever

The Internet is an open place, where anyone can leave a footprint. It means that what you post online can stay on the Internet forever. Without realizing the consequences, children can share embarrassing photos and data of themselves and their friends. You can also read about: How To Keep Your Child Safe Online for more information.

What can you do? Not to let strangers view sensitive data (address, phone number, etc.) of your child, you need to ensure the strictest level of security. It is advised to make profiles private and limit access to personal details for friends only.

2. Anyone can reach you 

If a child puts their mobile number online, anyone can call them or send a message. We often receive calls from unknown numbers and children are especially vulnerable to strangers and bullies who don’t mind to impose and call.

What can you do? Ask the child to delete personal data like a phone number from their online pages. If your kid keeps receiving unwanted calls, you can find out who’s calling by using GetContact app. You can also block the caller forever with parental control app.

3. Your password can be hacked

The Internet is a tricky thing. One day you can communicate with friends and chat in groups, while the other day you find that your account is hacked. Hacking is a frequent yet unpleasant phenomenon. When you find your password cracked, you can only imagine what data can hackers now steal.

What can you do? Changing passwords once in six months may help your child protect their social accounts from a hack. Help your kid to create a complicated password. Also, set up two-step verification to make sure no one can access the account except your child.

4. Your photos and files can be gone forever

As much as everything stays on the Internet, it can be lost forever. All the images, videos and other data you exchange with friends can be deleted, and you won’t even be able to restore it.

What can you do? Back up your data. It is best to invest in a portable hard drive and keep your files stored there safely. So, no one can obtain access to it, and your kid’s valuable data won’t be lost.

5. Strangers can steal your pictures 

Once you create your account on social media, you can start chatting literally with anyone. As anyone can text you in apps like Snapchat and Twitter, you can make many new friends. But not all of them are trustworthy. Sometimes scammers and predators pretend to be your kid’s peers to fool them into sharing personal images.

What can you do?

Tell your child not to share any photos and other information with questionable online friends. Any data sent to wrong people may be used against your child. Someone can share their embarrassing images, for example. Make sure your kid understands the responsibility and don’t trust strangers who text them online. 

Top 5 Things To Tell Your Tween About Cyber Safety was last updated September 7th, 2022 by Kathy Brellan