Syncing the Galaxy Note from Samsung

The Samsung Galaxy Note made it’s way to the US this week and has been greeted with mixed reviews. Some feel the 5.3″ screen makes the device too big, while others like the extra real estate it affords. How do we feel about it? Hear our thoughts in the video below:


No matter how you feel about the size of the screen, it’s hard to argue with the rest of the Note’s specs. With a 1.5GHz dual core processor, 1 GB of RAM, 16 GB of storage, 4G LTE, and more, the Note is easily one of the most powerful Android devices available today.

And just like I mentioned in the video above, CompanionLink can sync the Galaxy Note with Outlook and more quickly and easily. If you haven’t already, download your 14-day free trial to see for yourself. Getting started is easy, just visit for everything you need to set up your first sync!

Syncing the Galaxy Note from Samsung was last updated February 21st, 2012 by David Z