An Update On the Galaxy Nexus (With Video!)

In anticipation of Verizon’s upcoming release of the Galaxy Nexus, I wanted to post a quick update. We actually got our hands on the UK model for testing and have had some time to play around with it. Check out our thoughts in the video below!

As for syncing the Galaxy Nexus – the situation is as we expected. Local WiFi, CompanionLink Secure Hosted, and Sync via Google all work as intended. The Galaxy Nexus does not have an external SD card slot, which means that USB sync will not work with DejaOffice on this device. That said, we’re already working on a fix, so stay tuned. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the video we’ve made.

An Update On the Galaxy Nexus (With Video!) was last updated August 22nd, 2022 by David Z