CompanionLink Makes The Inc. 5000

Image Credit: Inc.CompanionLink recently earned the position of #2,057 on the 2011 Inc. 5000 list. The Inc. 5000 highlights the fasting growing private companies in the United States. To earn a spot on the list, a company is required to have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2007 as well as be based in the United States, privately held, for profit, and independent.

We’re thrilled, and honored, to be featured on this list. The past few years have shown amazing growth, not just for CompanionLink, but for the entire mobile industry. Looking back to March 31, 2007 – the qualifying date set by Inc. – the iPhone had not even made it’s way into the public’s hands and Android was entirely unknown to the masses. In just a few short years, we’ve all come a long way!

Looking forward, we’re excited for the future. We’re committed to enhancing mobile productivity on all the latest devices, whatever they may be!

CompanionLink Makes The Inc. 5000 was last updated August 29th, 2011 by David Z