Duplication checking for sync

CompanionLink products have robust duplication-checking built right into the software.  We’re working to update our algorithm to catch many new cases that arise when synchronizing  between PC and the latest smartphones, tablets and mobile devices in the market.

Why does duplication occur?

Duplication is commonly seen when data is previously imported into a contact management or CRM database. For example, let’s say you want to sync Outlook to Google. If you have already imported data from Outlook into Google, the first “sync” you engage using CompanionLink for Google or using O2g will combine everything in Outlook with everything in Google.

Other times, there are issues with name matching. Are “John Smith” and “John R. Smith” the same person? CompanionLink contains logic to try to match names. However, we still find cases where Prefix, Middle Name or Suffix can throw things off. In addition, CompanionLink looks at phone numbers in duplication checking. The presence or absence of a number can impact whether a name is duplicated.

Updated duplication checking is coming soon to a CompanionLink and O2g build near you!

Duplication checking for sync was last updated May 26th, 2010 by Rushang