Droid user tip to show all contacts

Droid 2.0 users who use CompanionLink USB to sync data may notice that some, or perhaps all, of their contacts do not display on the device after synchronizing. The problem is that the display options on the Droid will typically hide the user’s contacts based on group/category membership. Here is how to fix this problem:

1. On the Droid, open Contacts, then go to Menu -> Display Options.
2. Tap the name of the primary contacts account. This will cause the account group list to display.

– To display categorized contacts, select “System group: My Contacts”.

– To display uncategorized contacts, select “All other contacts”.

NOTE: To filter the display so that it only show certain groups (categories), uncheck “System group: My Contacts”, then check the name(s) of the specific groups you want to display.

Droid user tip to show all contacts was last updated December 28th, 2009 by Rushang