DejaOffice Is Ready For iOS 5

Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 5, will be released any time now. With a host of great new features, including improved notifications, wireless sync, and iCloud, many users will understandably be eager to update. However, some users may hesitate, waiting to ensure their most-used apps are iOS 5 compatible.

Today, I’m happy to report that DejaOffice 1.2.5 and above is iOS 5 ready!

We’ve been testing our app on the beta builds for some time now and have not seen any issues when using DejaOffice on iOS 5. So, just ensure you’re running the latest version of DejaOffice by checking for any updates in the App Store, then go enjoy the new features in iOS 5! We’re loving the new notification system – what about you?

DejaOffice Is Ready For iOS 5 was last updated February 12th, 2024 by David Z