UPDATE: Problems with USB Sync with the HTC DROID INCREDIBLE? Make sure you have a memory card.

CompanionLink recently announced support for sync with the new HTC DROID INCREDIBLE. Since its release on Thursday, a small number of users are experiencing problems with the USB sync. The problem has to do with the fact that CompanionLink syncs data to the MicroSD memory card in the device. Previous Android devices have included a memory card out of the box, while the DROID INCREDIBLE does not. Users experiencing this issue can resolve this immediately by inserting a memory card into their DROID INCREDIBLE. CompanionLink will release an update shortly that will allow Android devices without a memory card to use the device’s internal memory to hold sync data. More information, as well as a 14-day trial of the desktop sync software, can be found at www.companionlink.com/phones/htc-incredible.html

UPDATE: Problems with USB Sync with the HTC DROID INCREDIBLE? Make sure you have a memory card. was last updated May 11th, 2022 by Andy Sheragy