Direct USB sync with Droid

CompanionLink is working on a direct USB sync for the new Motorola Droid.  This will let users securely sync data by docking their Droid to their PC with the USB cable that came with their phone.

Currently, users of desktop software like Outlook, Lotus Notes, GroupWise and ACT! are required to use a wireless sync protocol.  For example, data syncs from their PC to their Google account, which then natively syncs with the Droid.  CompanionLink for Google provides this functionality between PC and Google.

While this serves the needs of many customers, this can pose security concerns for people who don’t want to host their sensitive data on Google or have it transmitted wirelessly.  CompanionLink is looking to address that with a direct USB sync solution.

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Direct USB sync with Droid was last updated May 15th, 2022 by Rushang