The fall of Entellium CRM

The December 2008 issue of CRM Magazine tells us what went wrong with Entellium, an upcoming CRM platform.  Amidst corporate fraud and mismanagement, customers using Entellium’s services are in quite a pickle: how do they get their data off of Entellium’s servers, and how much time do they have to migrate to a new CRM platform if/when Entellium goes dark?

To that, I’ll add: is Entellium even telling their customers what the future for the platform holds?

Extra! Extra! Read all about it here.

Needless to say, the reputation and corporate governance practices of a company should play an enormous role in the buy process for customers in the market for a CRM solution.  The reputation for web-based CRM systems (like Entellium Rave) are even more critical because all your data is hosted by them.  If they go dark, so does your data.

Takeaway question: if your CRM provider went out of business tomorrow, what are your contingency plans for your customer data?  Having a plan never hurts.

The fall of Entellium CRM was last updated April 7th, 2011 by Rushang