Seasons greetings from Microsoft to NOOK

Microsoft’s cash infusion into the NOOK platform ensures the device family will be around for holiday season 2012. Great news for people looking for a tablet that’s not married to the Amazon or Apple ecosystems. It also ensures the price wars for tablets continue, and the consumer is able to get a tablet-form device for a fraction of the cost of more expensive systems that do just one thing well (e.g., gaming systems).

The NOOK Color is really a well-made device. With a few 3rd party apps, you can outfit NOOK to be your all-in-one tool for reading, entertainment, and business productivity.  Self-plug: we just released our DejaOffice mobile CRM app for the NOOK.  It transforms your NOOK into a business tool that carries your address book, appointments, tasks and notes – all in one integrated app.  You can even sync the NOOK to Micrsoft Outlook on your computer.

Seasons greetings from Microsoft to NOOK was last updated May 1st, 2012 by Rushang