With around 2.5 billion users, a third of the world’s population, Facebook is by far the most popular social network nowadays. It is a powerful place of opportunities for marketing company development that has made it a real mainstream platform. It’s hard not to find accounts of companies/business people/famous influencers on FB, as it is their hotspot for finding potential customers and the place where the sales funnel is at its peak.
A vast amount of constantly updated content is another reason for users’ active engagement of all ages. Media content, which is one of the most important business content types on FB, has a huge role to play. It is one of the best ways to demonstrate to a target audience what makes your business different, give them something new and valuable, and build a profitable relationship for both parties. FB is full of media content, which in most cases is a storehouse of new knowledge.

Because of a huge amount of content, it is sometimes worth keeping it off Facebook to maximize the benefits of viewing it. This way, you can study it in detail and conclude in favor of developing your new marketing strategy.
There are more reasons below that prove why it is advisable to download Facebook video or image content and how it can enhance your business strategy.
The article includes examples of savers for you to search FB downloaders that will be most handy for you to benefit from social media content.
How to benefit from downloaded content
1. Examine the competitor’s content more profoundly
One of the keys to a prosperous marketing campaign is to analyze the content of a worthy competitor. Thus, you can improve your campaign and develop the right content strategy for your account. A competitor’s informative video can provide you with new business and marketing info, which is also essential for your professional growth.
2. Keep informative content in a safe place
The social network is very flexible, and it’s easy to lose good content. That’s why it’s sometimes a good idea to store helpful content in a trusted gadget folder so that it’s always available when you need to refresh your knowledge.
3. Save UGC to share it on other networks
A business can be considered the most successful if it is not only developed on the FB platform but also has its audience on Instagram, Twitter, etc. Sharing your UGC or other one helps you build trust with your customers, making your business more discoverable and visible.
4. Access stored info anytime and anywhere
The stored content allows you to use it offline — spend your time without the Internet to your advantage.
How to download content with two advanced ways
Web-based savers
Online downloaders are handy because they download content quickly and do not require installation. It can be a FB/Insta/Twitter video downloader, etc. To use online savers, you should only connect to the Internet, load a downloader page and insert a video address to download it on a device.
Concerning FB media content uploaders, you may explore some online savers and search FB downloaders you prefer more: FB down, Getfvid, Downvids, Savefrom, Keepvid, Keepoffline. All of them save videos online via video address insertion.
Mobile apps
Apps for video saving are more suitable for constant downloads to iPhone or Android. They need to be installed, and some of them require signing in — for example, the Fastvid app for Android or MyMedia for iPhone.
The first one operates in much the same way as web-based savers; the second one is not a direct downloader, but it uses other services to save content to a gallery.
NB: a screen recording function is also available, but the video quality will be poor, and it is unlikely to be convenient for frequent viewing.
One important thing to remember when downloading content: if you share stored content on the Internet, always link or tag the content author, or you will be breaking copyright law. Also, using the downloaded video for profit is prohibited.