DejaOffice for Android FAQ

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Incoming Calls and Text Messages do not show contact names

For an Android device to see the DejaContacts, the "Native" contact sync must be enabled. This will place a copy of the DejaContacts into the Android contacts app for use by the phone. Use the following steps to ensure the Native Sync is enabled for Contacts.

  1. Open DejaOffice
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Sync Settings
  4. Check the "Sync with Android Contacts App" option.
  5. Set "Contact Account" to DejaOffice.
  6. Return to the main menu of DejaOffice and tap Read Android Data.

When it completes, check your Call History and Text Messages, the numbers should now be associated with Names.

  • Note: If the "Sync with Android Contacts App" was already enabled skip directly to step 6. Read Android Data forces a sync between the DejaOffice records and the "Native" Android apps.

What are Contact Accounts?
Every time you connect a new account (such as DejaOffice) the Android creates a new "list" specifically for that account's data. This prevents duplicates and records from one account from merging with another.

When you install DejaOffice will create one of these "lists" in the Native Android contacts app to place the DejaContacts called DejaOffice. This list is separate from other contact lists in your device. To prevent duplicates, we recommend you leave the "Contact Account" option in DejaOffice set to the DejaOffice account.

  • Note: If you still do not see a name associated with a call or text, double check the DejaContacts to ensure the contact exists here.

Duplicate contacts in Android Contacts app but not in DejaContacts

As mentioned above, the Android contacts app can have many "lists" of contacts that all display next to each other. Use the following steps to "hide" the other lists and display only the DejaContacts:

  1. Open the Android "Contacts" app
  2. Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  3. Select "Contacts to Show"
  4. Choose DejaOffice from the list
  • Note: This will hide contacts in another account on the device. These contacts are not deleted, to display them again, use the same steps, but select "All Contacts" in the Contacts to Show list.

DejaOffice is Missing Records


First Open CompanionLink and DejaOffice to attempt manual sync just to ensure this is not an auto sync issue. If the sync appears to read records, but you still see no data in DejaOffice, check these filter settings to ensure the data is not being hidden by a filter.

Category Filter:
DejaOffice can hide records based on a set category. This filter exists in all DejaOffice data sets.

  1. Open the data type in DejaOffice where the records do not appear (Contacts, Calendar, etc)
  2. Tap the 3 dots in the top right.
  3. Select Categories
  4. Choose "Select All" and tap Ok.

Check for your missing records. If a filter was enabled, they should now be displayed.

Date and Completed Filter:
This filter only exists in the Tasks and Today sections. To display all possible Tasks in DejaOffice, Open Tasks, then:

  1. Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  2. Select "Show Active"
  3. Put a check in No Due Date (This will display tasks with no due date) and select All.
  4. Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  5. Select "Show Past Due" and choose "All"
  6. Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  7. Select "Show Completed" and choose "All"

If your records now display, they were being filtered by one of the above settings. You can return through them to display only the records you want to see.

DejaOffice only has a Sync button

In a recent update we split DejaOffice into two modes, a Direct Sync and the original Full Featured CRM.

Further information can be found about each here:

  1. Full Featured CRM Mode
  2. Direct Mode

If you only see a Sync button in DejaOffice, to re-enable the Full CRM Mode:

  1. Open DejaOffice
  2. Tap the 3 dots in the top right and select Settings.
  3. Select Setup Wizard and change the selection to "Full Featured CRM".
  4. Tap the back button on the device and the full DejaOffice mode will appear.

Quickly access information in DejaOffice

The Android operating system allows us to create direct links called "Shortcuts" to any of the DejaOffice data sets. Use the following steps to create any of these shortcuts:

  1. Open DejaOffice
  2. Select Shortcuts
  3. Choose any data set you would like to have a direct link to
  4. Tap Done
  5. You will get one more prompt for each selection. Tap Add.

When complete, exit the DejaOffice app and on your Android Homescreen you should have direct links to any of the data sets you selected in the shortcuts menu.

  • Note: Currently Shortcuts are available on the Android version of DejaOffice only.