Using DejaOffice PC CRM for Followups and Completions

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DejaOffice PC CRM offers several CRM Styles that enable extra options by default. In the GoldMine and Act! CRM Styles, the Followups and Completion Dialogue options are enabled by default. Click Here for more info about CRM Styles.

Using Completion Dialogue

When Completion Dialogue is enabled, on completion of an Event, Call or Task a secondary History panel will appear to with a Result Code and Notes. This allows you to make history records with the Status of how the Call, Event or Task went and add some notes. This History record exists separately from the Original record.


Enable Completion Dialogue:

  1. Open DPC Settings.
  2. Select History Settings.
  3. Enable the "Use Completion Dialogue".
  • Note: If you are using Act! or GoldMine CRM Styles this option will already be enabled.

How to Complete Records:

  1. Open the Edit Panel for existing DPC Event, Task or Call.
  2. Click the "Not Complete" box to complete the record.
  3. Click ok to Save.
  • Note: You can also right click a record and choose Complete.

Using Followups

When Followups are enabled, completing an Event, Call or Task, within the Completion Dialogue Panel, are several icons to directly schedule an additional Event, Call or Task from the original record. Notes added to the History record and contacts linked to the Original will be added to the new record.


Enable Followups:

  1. Open DPC Settings.
  2. Select History Settings.
  3. Enable the "Followups".
  • Note: If you are using Act! or GoldMine CRM Styles this option will already be enabled.
  • Note: Use Completion Dialogue must be enabled to use Followups.

How to use Followups:

  1. Open the Edit Panel for existing DPC Event, Task or Call.
  2. Click the "Not Complete" box to complete the record.
  3. Click Ok to Save.
  4. From the History Record that opens after Completion, add any Notes and click the Icon for the Record Type you want to use for the Followup at the bottom of the Edit Panel.
  5. Fill out any extra Details in the Followup Record's Edit Panel and Save.