How to fix Google People API Error 429 Too Many Requests

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Google has a contact limit of 25,000 contacts including the trash. If you are getting a Too Many Requests error on sync there are a few things you can try. The first of which is just to wait 24 hours and try the sync again, this can clear the error as the access limit in Google resets each day.

Empty the Google Contacts Trash


The 25,000 Contact limit of Google includes the Trash. This is the most common cause for this error. To empty the Contacts trash in Google:

  1. Open Google contacts via Web Browser:
  2. Sign in with your Google Account if prompted.
  3. In the bottom left select "Trash".
  4. At the top of the page that loads, click "Empty Trash Now" and click "Empty Trash".

Give it a moment to complete and then try the sync from the PC Again.

Purge the Google Contact Labels

The Category field in Outlook or the ID Status field in Act! syncs to Labels in Google Contacts. We have seen too many labels cause this error as well. To purge the Google Contact Labels:

  1. Open CompanionLink on the PC.
  2. Select Settings on the left, Advanced in the bottom left and click the Support Tab at the top.
  3. In this menu, select Purge Google Contact Labels.
  4. Click yes to start the purge.

When this completes try the sync again.

Limit or Disable Contact Note Sync

Large notes can also cause Google to give a Too Many Request error. Use these steps to Limit or Disable Contact Note sync:

Act! (Desktop) and Act! Cloud:

  1. Open CompanionLink on the PC.
  2. Select Settings on the left, Advanced in the bottom left and click the Note\History Options tab at the top.
  3. Try reducing the number of Notes and\or History that are enabled to sync here. You can also uncheck Notes here to disable them entirely.

You might need to wait 24 hours for the Rate Limit to reset, but try the sync again.

Outlook (Classic):

  1. Open CompanionLink on the PC.
  2. Select Settings on the left, Advanced in the bottom left and click the Field Mapping Tab at the top.
  3. Click the Top drop down and select the "Note and Picture" option.
  4. Uncheck the "Include Note field" option.

You might need to wait 24 hours for the Rate Limit to reset, but try the sync again.