Setup Guide - Sync Outlook to iPhone and iPad using DejaCloud

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Before proceeding, please make a backup of your PC database.

Set up CompanionLink on your PC

  1. Download and install CompanionLink if you have not already done so.
  2. Run "CompanionLink Setup" from your desktop or start menu.
  3. Select Apple from the first drop-down option (Select the device you want to sync with...).
  4. Select DejaCloud Sync from the second drop-down option (Select your sync method...), and carefully read through the prompts. If this is your first time using DejaCloud, you will be given the option to create a new DejaCloud account.
  5. Select Microsoft Outlook from the third drop-down option (Select your PC or web database...).

Set up DejaOffice on your Apple device

  1. Install DejaOffice from the App Store ("search for DejaOffice") Full installation instructions
  2. Open DejaOffice and the Setup Wizard should automatically launch. (If it does not launch, tap the "Setup Wizard" icon.)
  3. Follow the prompts in the Wizard. Make sure to select DejaCloud Sync as your sync method, and enter your DejaCloud username and password.

How to sync

  1. To sync PC database to DejaCloud open CompanionLink and click the Sync button. (To setup PC auto-sync, open CompanionLink > Advanced Settings > Auto Synchronization)
  2. To sync device database to DejaCloud open DejaOffice and tap the Sync icon. (To setup device auto-sync, open DejaOffice > Settings > Sync > Auto sync)

We also offer configuration service. Our experts will log into your PC at a time you select. We will set up everything for you. The service is called RunStart and costs $49.