Google Deprecates ClientLogin May 2015 - How to switch to OAuth for Google Sync
Google stopped supporting ClientLogin on May 26, 2015.
This affects CompanionLink if you are not using the OAuth Method of logging in.
Fixing this is easy:
1. Update your CompanionLink to ensure compatibility
2. Go to Settings, Google Settings, and check the box for "OAuth for Login"
3. The first time you do this, you will be prompted for name and password.
Since 2014, CompanionLink Software has recommended using OAuth to authenticate with Google servers. Open Authorization (OAuth) is a more secure way of allowing third party apps to access your Google account, without compromising your login credentials.
On May 26, 2015, Google unexpectedly turned off the Non-OAuth method of authentication. This affects a number of products, including CompanionLink, if you configured these products in 2014. The steps below will help you setup CompanionLink, using simple the OAuth method.
Update CompanionLink
1. Open CompanionLink
2. Looking at the lower right hand corner check your Build Number
CompanionLink 6.0: Build 6040 or lower you need to update.
Check if you qualify for a free upgrade to CompanionLink 6 by clicking here.
CompanionLink 5.0: Build 5098 or lower you need to update.
CompanionLink 4.0: Build 4068 or lower you need to update.
Update your CompanionLink here
Configuring CompanionLink
1. Open CompanionLink
2. Select Settings
3. Select Google Settings
4. Check "OAuth for login"
5. Follow the Prompts and enter your Google username and password.