Categories: SEO and Marketing

Saas Link Building: 7 Ways to Get Authority Links

Published by
Kevin Grdinic

Having a strong online presence is crucial for any SaaS business looking to grow and succeed in today’s digital world. With 95% of consumers using search engines to find information about businesses online, it’s imperative that your SaaS business appears at the top of those search results. This is where link building comes into play.

The process of acquiring high-quality, reputable links from other websites that can help improve your website’s search engine rankings, increase visibility, and drive more traffic to your site is known as link building. Because authority links come from reputable sources, having these links pointing back to your website can show search engines that your content is trustworthy, relevant, and valuable. As a result, your website will rank higher in search results, gain visibility, and attract more visitors.

Link building is a low-cost, low-risk marketing strategy that can benefit your SaaS company in the long run. By partnering with trusted provider like Saaslinko, you can position your SaaS company for future success and growth, while also focusing on important factors like choosing the right POS system to manage your retail business. Saaslink offers a comprehensive link building service that can help you achieve your goals and grow your online presence. 

So, if you’re ready to see the incredible benefits that strong link building strategy and authority links can bring to your SaaS business, start building those links right away! Be sure to determine your budget and the cost of link building as well before you get started.

By focusing on high-quality, relevant links, you can position your SaaS company for future success and growth.

Here Are 7 Ways to Get Authority Links:

1. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is an extremely effective SEO link building strategy. It entails writing and publishing content on another website in your industry in order to gain a backlink to your own. This not only improves the visibility and ranking of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs), but it also provides valuable exposure for your brand and helps to establish your authority and credibility in your industry.

When it comes to SEO guest blogging, it’s critical to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that adds value to the reader. Your content should be well-researched and well-written, and it should provide pertinent information and insights to your target audience.

Let’s say you run an e-commerce website that sells natural skincare products. You have been working on your SEO strategy and have identified guest blogging as a way to build links and improve your website’s visibility and ranking.

Here’s how you can implement guest blogging for your e-commerce website:

  • Identify relevant websites: You can use tools such as Google and Moz to find websites in your industry that accept guest posts. Look for websites that are well-established and have a strong online presence in your niche.
  • Write high-quality content: Create a well-researched, well-written article that provides valuable information and insights on a topic related to your industry and target audience. For example, you could write an article on the benefits of natural skincare products and how they can help to improve skin health.
  • Reach out to websites: Contact the website owners and offer to write a guest post for their website. Be sure to include a brief introduction of your brand and website, as well as a link to a few samples of your writing. At there are scalable, transparent, and effective link building solutions.
  • Publish the article: Once your guest post has been accepted, publish the article on the website, along with a link back to your e-commerce website. Make sure to promote the article on your own social media channels to help drive traffic back to your site.

2. Broken Link Building

Broken link building is a link building strategy that entails locating and repairing broken links on other websites before recommending your own as a replacement. This not only improves the user experience on the linking website, but it also allows you to gain a valuable backlink to your own site.

Here’s how to implement broken link building for your website:

  • Use tools like Ahrefs or Broken Link Checker to find broken links on other websites in your industry. Concentrate on websites with a strong online presence that are related to your niche.
  • Contact website owners: Contact the website owners and inform them of the broken link on their site. Offer to assist by replacing the link to a relevant page on your website.
  • Make sure the page on your website that you’re suggesting as a replacement is of high quality and provides value to the reader. This increases the likelihood of the website owner accepting your suggestion.
  • Follow up: After you’ve made your suggestion, contact the website owner to see if they’ve accepted it. If they have, please accept my congratulations! Through broken link building, you have successfully obtained a valuable backlink.

3. Resource Page Link Building

A resource page link building strategy entails creating a valuable resource page on your website and then contacting other websites to include a link to your page. This increases traffic to your website while also providing valuable backlinks that can improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here’s how to implement resource page link building for your website:

  • Make a useful resource page: Create a well-designed, user-friendly page that contains high-quality, relevant information about your niche or industry.
  • Contact the following websites: Determine relevant websites that have a strong online presence and offer to link to each other’s pages.
  • Provide worth: To increase the likelihood of other websites linking to your resource page, make sure the content on it is up to date and of high quality.
  • Follow up: Check in with the websites you’ve contacted to see if they’ve linked back to your resource page.

4. Skyscraper Technique

The Skyscraper Technique is a link building strategy that entails locating popular and high-performing content in your industry and then creating an improved version of that content in order to attract backlinks. The goal is to “skyscrape” existing content by creating something better that outranks the original.

Here are the steps to implement the Skyscraper Technique:

  • Identify popular content: Use tools like Ahrefs or Google to find popular and highly-ranked content related to your niche or industry. Search for content that has a lot of backlinks and social shares.
  • Create better content: Take inspiration from popular content and create an even better version of it. Make sure to include more value, more information, and high-quality images and graphics.
  • Contact website owners: Once you’ve created your content, contact the websites that have linked to the original piece of content and inform them of your improved version.
  • Market  your content: Share your content on social media, reach out to influencers in your industry, and actively promote it to attract backlinks and drive traffic to your website.

5. Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonials and reviews can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers and improving the reputation of your brand. You can increase customer trust and credibility while driving more sales and revenue by leveraging the power of positive customer feedback. 

Here are a few examples of how to use testimonials and reviews effectively.

  • Collect testimonials: Request testimonials and reviews from your satisfied customers via email, social media, or in-person.
  • Display testimonials prominently: To demonstrate your brand’s credibility and customer satisfaction, prominently display testimonials and reviews on your website, social media profiles, and other marketing materials.
  • Respond to negative reviews professionally: If you receive negative feedback, respond professionally and offer a solution to the customer’s problem. This demonstrates your dedication to customer satisfaction and your ability to turn a negative situation into a positive one.
  • Utilise social proof: Use testimonials and reviews as social proof by displaying the number of positive reviews and testimonials you’ve received from satisfied customers.

6. Industry Events and Directories

Attending industry events and being listed in relevant directories can be a great way to increase your brand’s visibility and attract new customers. Here are a few ways to make the most of these opportunities:

  • Attend industry events: Attend conferences, trade shows, and other industry events to network with potential customers and partners, showcase your products or services, and stay current on industry trends.
  • Optimise your directory listings: To increase your chances of appearing at the top of search results, make sure your directory listings are complete, accurate, and keyword-optimised.
  • Interact with customers: Respond to customer feedback and interact with your target audience on social media to increase brand loyalty and reputation.

7. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is a type of advertising in which a company creates and pays for content that promotes its products or services. Sponsored content can be a powerful tool for reaching new customers and increasing brand awareness. 

Here are some ideas for making the most of sponsored content:

  • Determine your target demographic: Define your target audience clearly and create content that caters to their interests and needs.
  • Partner with relevant influencers or websites: To reach a larger audience and increase the impact of your sponsored content, partner with influencers or websites that have a strong following within your target audience.
  • Provide value: Ensure that your sponsored content provides value to your target audience, whether that value is educational, entertaining, or otherwise.
  • Use clear call-to-actions: Incorporate clear call-to-actions into your sponsored content to entice your target audience to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or making a purchase.


Link building is an essential aspect of any successful online presence. With so many options available, from guest blogging to broken link building, it’s important to find the strategies that work best for your goals. Whether you prefer a DIY approach or prefer to work with a professional service, the key is to be consistent and persistent in your efforts. With time and dedication, you’ll be able to build a strong network of authority links that will help drive traffic and improve your website’s visibility. So why not start today and take the first step towards a more successful online future?


Why Is Link Building Important for SEO?

Link building for Saas is an important part of SaaS SEO because it helps search engines, such as Google, to determine the quality and relevance of your SaaS website.  The more high-quality backlinks you have pointing to your site, the higher your site will rank in search results, leading to increased visibility and traffic.

What Are the Different Types of Links for SEO?

There are several different types of links for SEO, including internal links, external links, and backlinks. Internal links help to improve navigation within your website, while external links provide opportunities for building relationships with other websites in your industry. Backlinks, or inbound links, are the most important for SEO, as they indicate the quality and relevance of your site to search engines. You can also outsource link building for agency if you don’t have time to place links by hand.

How Can I Acquire Backlinks for My Website in a Safe and Effective Manner?

Acquiring backlinks for your website in a safe and effective manner can be done through various methods, such as guest blogging, broken link building, resource page link building, content partnerships, and more. It is important to focus on building high-quality, relevant links from reputable websites in your industry, and to avoid shortcuts such as buying links or participating in link schemes.

Can I Buy Links?

Buying links is generally considered an unethical and potentially harmful practice, and it is also against Google’s webmaster guidelines. Rather than buying links, focus on acquiring high-quality links through ethical and sustainable methods, such as creating valuable content and building relationships with other websites in your industry.

Saas Link Building: 7 Ways to Get Authority Links was last updated October 4th, 2023 by Kevin Grdinic
Saas Link Building: 7 Ways to Get Authority Links was last modified: October 4th, 2023 by Kevin Grdinic
Kevin Grdinic

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