How to sync Outlook Category Colors to Google Calendar Modern Colors

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To allow for color categories in Outlook to sync to Google event colors using Google's new Modern Color scheme, enable the "Modern Colors" option in CompanionLink using the following steps:

  1. Open CompanionLink.
  2. Click Settings on the left. (Click Settings on the Right under Google if this is CompanionLink for Outlook or higher).
  3. At the bottom of the page put a check in Modern Colors

  • Note that colors will only sync Outlook to Google as the colors are based on Categories in Outlook and Google does not support true categorization. If you want colors to sync from Google to Outlook, use the following guide to set up Google Calendars linked to Outlook Categories. Sync Outlook Color Categories to Google Calendars

Switching between Classic and Modern Colors in Google

To switch between Classic and Modern colors in Google:

1. Open a browser and navigate to you Google Calendar.
2. Click the Gear in the top right.
3. Select 'Density and Color'.

For Classic Colors select Color Set and choose Classic (with black text).
For Modern Colors select Color Set and choose Modern (with white text).

Outlook Color Categories to Google Colors Comparison


While Google only currently supports 8 colors, Outlook has a much larger selection. Use comparison chart on the right top see how your Outlook Category colors will appear in Google using the Modern or Classic color selection.