How to Enable and Use HTML Notes in DejaOffice PC CRM v2

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DejaOffice PC CRM v2 has added the ability to use and sync some HTML formatting. This includes Bold, Underline, Italics, Hyperlinked URL Text, Bullet Lists and Numbered lists. This guide will go over how to Enable the HTML controls in DejaOffice PC CRM v2 and Enable HTML to sync to DejaOffice, on iPhone and Android. HTML Sync support is also included for Outlook, New Outlook, Act! and Act! Cloud.

Enable HTML Controls in DejaOffice PC CRM v2

HTML Note controls are automatically enabled in DejaOffice PC CRM v2. Install the Upgrade from v1 or install a fresh copy of v2 and you will have access to the HTML Controls in all Note Edit Panels.

  • Click Here to check if you have a free upgrade from DejaOffice PC CRM v1 to DejaOffice PC CRM v2.

Using HTML Notes in DejaOffice PC CRM v2

The HTML controls will be visible in any note edit screens, this includes the quick note edit and the note field in the full edit panel. For Example:

  1. Open DejaOffice PC CRM v2 and select Contacts.
  2. Create or Edit a Contact and select the Note field from the left side.
  3. Select the HTML button for the HTML you want to Add, IE Bold, Underline, Italics, etc.

You can also add HTML to the note from "Quick" note edit directly from the Contact Detail Panel by clicking the Note Field. Standard HTML Shortcut keys will also work, Bold (Ctrl + B), Underline (Ctrl + U) and Italics (Ctrl + I).

Enabling HTML Notes to Sync in DejaOffice PC CRM v2


If you use CompanionLink to sync DPC outside of DPC, then CompanionLink v11 is required. To enable HTML notes to sync in DPC:

  1. Open DejaOffice PC CRM v2.
  2. Select Settings in the bottom left then select Sync Settings.
  3. Select Settings under "Mobile Phone or Tablet".
  4. Select the General Tab from the Settings menu that pops up.
  5. Enable the "Html Notes" check box.

If you are syncing with a "PC Source" that supports HTML Notes such as Act!, Act! Cloud, Outlook, New Outlook or Google Calendar you can enable the same HTML Notes option in the Settings under "PC Data Source".

Enabling HTML Notes in DejaOffice for iPhone and Android

DejaOffice on iPhone and Android supports the HTML Notes from DejaOffice PC CRM v2. You will need the latest versions of DejaOffice on mobile.

  • Android: Build 1665 (4.4.61) or Higher.
  • iPhone\iPad: Build 1535 (2.11.16) or Higher.


To Enable HTML Notes on Android:

  1. Open DejaOffice on Android.
  2. Select Settings and select Display Settings.
  3. Enable "Show HTML Controls".

Now HTML Controls will be visible in DejaOffice Notes just like in the PC CRM v2!


To Enable HTML Notes on iPhone\iPad:

  1. Open DejaOffice on iPhone\iPad.
  2. Select Settings and select Display Settings.
  3. Enable "Use Html Notes".

HTML controls to add HTML on the mobile are coming soon for iPhone\iPad. Existing HTML is editable and it will add to the same line in the same format of the selected text.