How to use DejaHub with BlackBerry 10

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DejaHub connects DejaOffice for BlackBerry with the BlackBerry Contact, Calendar and Remember applications. It is a separate application that you use before or after the synchronization with DejaOffice and CompanionLink has finished.

The following guide applies to all BlackBerry 10 Devices (e.g. Z10, Q10, Q5).

Setup CompanionLink to sync with BlackBerry 10 and DejaOffice

[Click Here] to set up CompanionLink and DejaOffice using one of our BlackBerry 10 Setup Guides

Install DejaHub to your BlackBerry 10 device

  1. On your BlackBerry 10 device visit BlackBerry World and install DejaHub.

Synchronize to the BlackBerry applications using DejaHub

  1. First, synchronize between CompanionLink and DejaOffice.
  2. When that synchronization completes, open DejaHub and tap on Sync
  3. DejaHub will now synchronize between DejaOffice and the BlackBerry Contact, Calendar and Remember applications. When you add new records to the BlackBerry application, be sure to run the DejaHub synchronization before you sync again with DejaOffice and CompanionLink.
  4. You can turn on or turn off the synchronization between DejaHub and individual applications. To do this, open DejaHub > Settings.

Note: Please see our notes on Sync speed with DejaHub here.
Troubleshooting DejaHub for BlackBerry 10: here.